After many failed attempts and wasted bags of hay, we gave up trying to feed our pet rabbit Qui Gon a healthier diet which includes
hay. Instead, we caved to his habit of gorging on the crunchy bits in his pellet mix while he shunned away the plain pellets.
The result of his pickiness was much wasted food and hardly any hay in his daily diet.
This all changed when we bought the Irving Feed Store, now known as Irving Supply & Feed.
Our vendors didn’t carry the brand Qui Gon was used to, so we continued to order it for him via Amazon. However, we did introduce him to Owbow Timothy Meadow Hay that was available at the store. And for the first time in the seven years we have had him, he actively ate the hay!
Encouraged by this development, we decided our bunny should be loyal to the store too and try the pellets we sell. We introduced him to Oxbow’s Simple Harvest for adult rabbits. He was pretty annoyed at first. Seeking the colorful and crunchy pieces in his old food, he would scoff his head away from the new pellets in indignation. But surely enough, in a few days, the new pellets were accepted. Knowing he would eat the Oxbow Timothy hay helped us make the transition.
It’s great to finally see our little bun bun eat better and not waste food. The store has helped us introduce better products to our pet and we hope to do the same for you.
So come on over to Irving Supply & Feed and explore new and better options today!